What we do
Thematic Area: 3
Skilling the Youth
PDIA aims to skill the youth with personal development courses, soft and hard skills and income generation skills. Uganda has the youngest population in the world, with 77% of its population being under 25 years of age.
There are about 7.3 million youth from the ages of 15–24 years in Uganda. Youth unemployment poses a serious political, economic, and social challenge to Uganda and its leadership. The cycle is making it increasingly difficult for Uganda to break out of poverty.
Young women also more often have to stay at home in a maternal role from a very young age which limits their ability to work.
PDIA works in collaboration with existing CBOs and youth associations and establishes communities of youth (CYs) to give youth a platform where they collectively work together to address the challenges affecting them.
Recognizing the importance of informal sector for economic growth and employment generation, PDIA will engage the youth in tailor-made trainings in commercial agriculture, environmental management and vocational skills. These will be integrated with ICT and digital literacy.
PDIA in collaboration with the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT) will provide assessment and accreditation for youth skills.