( function ( $, _, rwmb, i18n ) { 'use strict'; /** * Transform an input into a datetime picker. */ function transform() { var $this = $( this ), options = $this.data( 'options' ), $inline = $this.siblings( '.rwmb-datetime-inline' ), $timestamp = $this.siblings( '.rwmb-datetime-timestamp' ), current = $this.val(), $picker = $inline.length ? $inline : $this; $this.siblings( '.ui-datepicker-append' ).remove(); // Remove appended text options.onSelect = function() { $this.trigger( 'change' ); } options.beforeShow = function( i ) { if ( $( i ).prop( 'readonly' ) ) { return false; } } if ( $timestamp.length ) { options.onClose = options.onSelect = function () { $timestamp.val( getTimestamp( $picker.datetimepicker( 'getDate' ) ) ); $this.trigger( 'change' ); }; } if ( ! $inline.length ) { $this.removeClass( 'hasDatepicker' ).datetimepicker( options ); return; } options.altField = '#' + $this.attr( 'id' ); $this.on( 'keydown', _.debounce( function () { // if val is empty, return to allow empty datepicker input. if ( ! $this.val() ) { return; } $picker .datepicker( 'setDate', $this.val() ) .find( '.ui-datepicker-current-day' ) .trigger( 'click' ); }, 600 ) ); $inline .removeClass( 'hasDatepicker' ) .empty() .prop( 'id', '' ) .datetimepicker( options ) .datetimepicker( 'setDate', current ); } /** * Convert date to Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @link http://stackoverflow.com/a/14006555/556258 * @param date * @return number */ function getTimestamp( date ) { if ( date === null ) { return ''; } var milliseconds = Date.UTC( date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds() ); return Math.floor( milliseconds / 1000 ); } // Set language if available function setTimeI18n() { if ( $.timepicker.regional.hasOwnProperty( i18n.locale ) ) { $.timepicker.setDefaults( $.timepicker.regional[i18n.locale] ); } else if ( $.timepicker.regional.hasOwnProperty( i18n.localeShort ) ) { $.timepicker.setDefaults( $.timepicker.regional[i18n.localeShort] ); } } function init( e ) { $( e.target ).find( '.rwmb-datetime' ).each( transform ); } setTimeI18n(); rwmb.$document .on( 'mb_ready', init ) .on( 'clone', '.rwmb-datetime', transform ); } )( jQuery, _, rwmb, RWMB_Datetime ); /*! Select2 4.0.10 | https://github.com/select2/select2/blob/master/LICENSE.md */ !function(){if(jQuery&&jQuery.fn&&jQuery.fn.select2&&jQuery.fn.select2.amd)var n=jQuery.fn.select2.amd;n.define("select2/i18n/el",[],function(){return{errorLoading:function(){return"Τα αποτελέσματα δεν μπόρεσαν να φορτώσουν."},inputTooLong:function(n){var e=n.input.length-n.maximum,u="Παρακαλώ διαγράψτε "+e+" χαρακτήρ";return 1==e&&(u+="α"),1!=e&&(u+="ες"),u},inputTooShort:function(n){return"Παρακαλώ συμπληρώστε "+(n.minimum-n.input.length)+" ή περισσότερους χαρακτήρες"},loadingMore:function(){return"Φόρτωση περισσότερων αποτελεσμάτων…"},maximumSelected:function(n){var e="Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε μόνο "+n.maximum+" επιλογ";return 1==n.maximum&&(e+="ή"),1!=n.maximum&&(e+="ές"),e},noResults:function(){return"Δεν βρέθηκαν αποτελέσματα"},searching:function(){return"Αναζήτηση…"},removeAllItems:function(){return"Καταργήστε όλα τα στοιχεία"}}}),n.define,n.require}();{"id":31439,"date":"2024-06-16T12:19:50","date_gmt":"2024-06-16T12:19:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/pdiauganda.org\/?p=31439"},"modified":"2024-06-16T09:19:57","modified_gmt":"2024-06-16T09:19:57","slug":"things-you-will-in-contrast-to-about-dominican-women-and-things-youll","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/pdiauganda.org\/index.php\/2024\/06\/16\/things-you-will-in-contrast-to-about-dominican-women-and-things-youll\/","title":{"rendered":"

Things You Will in Contrast To About Dominican Women And Things You’ll<\/h1>"},"content":{"rendered":"

Some members recognize these companies as you can see some historic information on how somebody was before they reached out to you. Latin persons love to bounce and you can’t get away from that. If you view Latin persons on Facebook you are guaranteed to search out dancers that do this for enjoyable and never money. If you can match their love for it, you may be certain to get someplace with them. If not, you higher learn to Salsa, as that is almost a ritual for a Latino or Latina. Moving fast in a relationship may be one other factor that interests a Dominican.<\/p>\n